Client Feature: William Lucas

The Lucas Family have had many sessions now, you may remember William's older sisters from this blog post here. After three girls, William was a little bit of a welcome shock - not least because the whole changing a nappy thing comes with its own fountain of hazards! As you will see from these images, William … Continue reading Client Feature: William Lucas

Privacy: Your Photos

With the rise of social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram, the safety of our images is on the forefront of many peoples thoughts. Some people have never really considered what happens to their photos once they have posted them online. Some people don't mind what happens to their photos. Some people are extremely … Continue reading Privacy: Your Photos

Mutterings: Time for a quickie?

Quick post that is..... Today I have added my first ever video to Facebook.  For a professional photographer, that is pretty appalling, don't you think? I'd love to do a live action video one day but that is something else entirely!   You can watch the new Facebook video here.  Night all!